A game designed by Laurent Escoffier
Artwork by Julien Loïs

Once upon a time, on Yum Yum Island, a pig, a panda, and other animals of all kinds used to live together in peace until the day when the giant Ferdinand devoured all their food!
Your mission is to rescue the animals by airdropping them food... but you can't see anything!

The game receive the Dice Tower Kid Approved Seal
(a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLC and is used with permission.)

Yum Yum Island is a cooperative game. You have to feed the animals by dropping Food tokens into their mouths... but you can't see anything !
When an animal has eaten its fill, it is rescued.
You win the game only if all the animals are rescued before the giant's throat is full!
Yum Yum Island is the first Space Cow game, Space Cowboys' label dedicated to kids.